After entering in to the advance agreement of the land, surveying and demarcation of boundaries with official surveyor is our responsibility. Removing Bushes and cleaning the land is also our responsibility. After the sale deed transfer the ownership in revenue records, first year Tax payment, enjoyment right in land and clearing all the encumbrances, obtaining Panchayat approval, Electricity connection those works also we are agree to doing in favor of you with out any remuneration.

With the rapid globalization of the country, the demand for Farm Land has touched the sky because of the increase in migration of the people to the cities. This section records the most desirable Farm Land in the town suiting everyone’s needs. The Farm Land are located in the most conducive residential localities. Browse through this section for the Farm Land available for buying, selling.

           SEEDLING AGRO  Pvt., Ltd., is the only company which manages the land transaction as well as manages the agri land development with full ownership and on record transactions. We only suggest those lands where we will produce. Further, being a company, SEEDLING AGRO  Pvt., Ltd., legally cannot pose any challenge to agri land ownership and title, which is a common risk with individuals and firms and societies.

The SEEDLING AGRO  Pvt., Ltd.,, fee model charges a fixed fee per acre per annul for management and a 20% share in the crop, and a small pre-agreed outlay for infrastructure. The crop sell belongs to the owner and they can take tax benefits of agri income. Further, land value appreciation and productivity improvement happens when we steadily build infrastructure.

Further, we accumulate order from similar profiles, and keep the access and other infrastructure divided and usable for all land owners. It is difficult to do so as an individual.

Last but not least: we get good prices due to accumulation and our experience. Else, as individuals, up to 100% premium is charged, with no assurance of land boundaries and usage.

            SEEDLING AGRO  Pvt., Ltd.,, has a legal team to verify records and follow legal process from history verification, land sizing, public notice and family tree check with revenue records. Further, we do not release full amounts till possession is granted and demarcation competed.

Encroachment is a common risk with Agri Land. They are mostly due to: (a) absence of prior demarcation, and (b) local manipulation that may happen with outsiders or small land owners but since SEEDLING AGRO  Pvt., Ltd., is an established organization in its region, we don’t face this issue. Further to take care of ‘a’, we get the land demarcated by official pisca Surveyors  before registry, and then take possession.

Title risks are most common in Urban lands/ property, and not in Agri land. This is due to Urban Land Ceiling Acts and associated rental acts are very different from Agri Land Rules. Agri Title disputes are mostly around family distribution. Agri land title process has been same for last 100 odd years. With computerized records in almost every state, this risk is limited to checking of history and family tree. We get both these validated by local officials and our lawyers.

A farm land owner has to understand that agri income is dependent on many factors, including natural factors like availability of rain/water and sunlight at suitable times, unforeseen pest attacks that can cut yield, and demand-supply situation when the crop is ready for sale. SEEDLING AGRO  Pvt., Ltd., is ahead of most farmers in India in terms of anticipating and managing risks, but nobody can remove all the risks.

We believe that a net annual income of about Rs 10,000,00 + per acre is achievable (tax free income). The income will always match the prevailing food price inflation, so this income can increase with increasing food prices and with improvement in our farm infrastructure.